The name Mohabbat Ka Sharbat tells how yummy this summer drink is. I never knew summer coolers had unique names like Pyar Mohabbat Ka Sharbat. I love this drink and am excited to share it with you.

Before sharing the recipe, let me tell you a brief history of our प्यार भरी मीठाश वाला मोहब्बत का शरबत.😍

A Brief History

Let me tell you that the Mohabbat ka sharbat is street food. This summer cooler is quite popular in the capital city of India, Delhi (old). The street hawkers at the famous Jama Masjid in old Delhi make & sell it daily. However, it’s a street beverage.

Not only in India, but this sharbat is popular in Pakistan too. Type Mohabbat ka Sharbat on Youtube. You will see incredible videos of people making this great drink. लाल रंग क्या निखार के आता हे इस शरबत का बस पूछिए मत.

एक वैधानिक चेतावनी ये हे की इस शरबत को बनाने या पीने के लिए आपका किसी के प्यार में होना ज़रूरी नहीं ठीक है? आप ऐसे ही इसको पी सकते हो। कोई परहेज़ नहीं हैं 😛😝😜

Now that you know what Mohabbat ka sharbat is let me share the ingredients & other details.

What all we need for Mohabbat Ka Sharbat

We will add some fantastic items here to make this cold drink cooler. Let me tell you, except for watermelon, all the ingredients are readily available. In short, you can have this sharbat only in the summer season.☹️

Okay, don’t be sad. Summer in India lasts for more than four months. Therefore drink as much as you can.😝

Watermelon & MIlk

Watermelon fruit is our base ingredient. Green or black watermelon will do. Just remove the seeds, and you are good to go. For this sharbat, you will need a medium size tarbooz.

Similar to watermelon, milk is another base ingredient.


Yes, we will be adding sugar here to enhance the taste. However, you can skip sugar because we have other items to give our sharbat a sweet taste.

Rose Syrup & Rose Petals

The rose syrup is our star ingredient. To make it more flavourful, we will add some rose petals too. Our Mohabbat ka sharbat will get the required rose aroma & taste.

One Important Question

Can I Skip Sugar?

Yes, absolutely. If you watch the video, you will see the overall sugar quantity is less. It’s just a couple of tablespoons. Therefore, if you are not okay with sugar, then skip it.

The question is, if you skip the sugar, will your sharbat taste sweet?

Yes, it will. Apart from sugar, we have sweet rose syrup. Additionally, we have naturally sweet watermelon pulp. I guess that’s enough to make your sharbat sweet & tasty.

I like extra sweet. Therefore, I have used extra sugar.

Also Read:
Watermelon juice with rose syrup is an ultimately refreshing cool summer drink. Adding a pinch of rock salt can take the taste to next level.