So many brands that sell Honey, but which is the pure and best Honey? Which one is the pure and organic Honey, and which one is processed and with added Sugar?
Honey offers so many benefits, but only if you choose the right one? You can’t just choose based on the labels.
Therefore, here is the best honey brands in India to help you select the perfect Honey for the family.
We have mentioned the specialty of every honey brands that it possesses. So, without much ado, let’s check out the best honey brands in India.
Buying Guide In A Snapshot
Click on the brand name to read the complete product review.
Image | Brand | Type | Pure | Specialty | Energy | Natural Sugar | Carbohydrate | Best Before | Check Price |
Indigenous | Unprocessed | Yes | Natural and Organic | 304Kcal | 82.12g | 82.4g | 18 months | Amazon Price ₹474 Save: ₹226.00 (32%) |
Merlion Naturals | Processed | Yes | Organic | – | 76g | 76.20g | 24 months | Amazon Price ₹331 Save: ₹18.00 (5%) |
Farm Honey Wild | Unprocessed | Yes | Cinnamon flavor | 320Kcal | 0g | 80g | N/A | Amazon Price ₹270 Save: ₹50.00 (16%) |
The Honey Shop | Unprocessed | Yes | Natural | 320Kcal | 80g | 80g | 18 months | Amazon Price ₹344 Save: ₹51.00 (13%) |
Organic India Wild Forest | Unprocessed | Yes | Organic | 324.80Kcal | 4.43g | 79.41g | 18 months | ||
Dabur | Processed | Yes | None | 320Kcal | 80g | 80g | 18 months | ||
Forever | Unprocessed | Yes | Natural | 333Kcal | 66g | 80g | 48 months | ||
Zandu | Processed | Yes | Natural | 320Kcal | 80g | 80g | 18 months | ||
Dadev | Unprocessed | Yes | Organic | 304 Kcal | – | – | 18 months | ||
Patanjali | Processed | Yes | Anti-septic | 320Kcal | 80g | 80g | 12 months | ||
Wnature Organic | Unprocessed | Yes | Natural | 309.08Kcal | – | 75.78g | N/A | ||
Bare Exilir | Unprocessed | Yes | Organic | – | – | – | N/A | ||
Hi Honey Gir Organic | Unprocessed | Yes | Natural and organic | – | – | – | N/A | ||
Savayav | Unprocessed | Yes | Organic and natural | 363.5Kcal | 68g | 90.60g | 18 months | ||
Farm Naturelle Tulsi | Unprocessed | Yes | Natural and antibacterial | – | – | – | 18 months | ||
Leaf & Nectar | Unprocessed | Yes | Organic | 324Kcal | – | – | 18 months | ||
Fresh & Pure | Processed | Yes | None | – | – | – | N/A | ||
Prakruthi Nutritional | Refined | No | Suitable for vegetarians | 324Kcal | 81g | 81g | 18 months | ||
Barosi Multi Floral | Unprocessed | Yes | Natural | 320Kcal | 78.37g | 79.97g | 12 months | Amazon Price ₹423 Save: ₹76.00 (15%) |
Nutriwish | Processed | Yes | Honey with Lemon | 358Kcal | – | 90g | 18 months | ||
Royal Bee | Processed | Yes | No added sugar or preservatives | 310Kcal | 76.24g | 79.23g | 24 months | ||
Beez Kashmir | Processed | Yes | Premium honey | 327.96Kcal | 75.06g | 81.99g | N/A | ||
Sayhadri | Unprocessed | Yes | No added sugar or preservatives | 319.96Kcal | 74.89g | 78.99g | 18 month | ||
Apis Himalaya | Processed | No | – | 319Kcal | 90g | 79.5g | 24 months | ||
Langnese | Processed | Yes | Garlic flavor | 362Kcal | – | 75.1g | 36 months | Amazon Price ₹510 Save: ₹70.00 (12%) |
Sree | Processed | Yes | None | 225Kcal | – | 70.7g | 24 months | Amazon Price ₹126 Save: ₹9.00 (7%) |
Golden Honey Farms | Unprocessed | Yes | Natural | – | – | – | 24 months | ||
Son of Soil Desert Flora | Unprocessed | Yes | Raw and Organic | 320Kcal | 80g | 80g | 18 months | Amazon Price ₹339 Save: ₹60.00 (15%) |
INDIGENOUS Raw Organic Honey
- Made from bees in scientifically designed wooden boxes called honey beehives which are similar to bees natural habitat.
- The process is in compliance with Good Beekeeping Practices (GBP) by National Bee Board(NBB)
- Unprocessed, Unfiltered, Unpasteurized
- Pure Natural Honey
- Completely Vegetarian
Merlion Naturals Organic Raw Honey
- Unprocessed, Unfiltered, Unpasteurized
- Pure Natural Honey extracted from forest bees.
- Completely Vegetarian
- Organic, 100% Honey and No Added Sugar
Farm Honey Wild
- Unprocessed
- Organic Raw Honey 100% Natural.
- No preservatives or Artificial Color
- No Added Sugar.
- Collected from the wild forest of India (from the high mountain and forest regions.)
How To Choose the Best Honey?
Let’s understand the factors to choose the best honey brand.
Choose Raw Honey
The Honey that is unfiltered, unprocessed, or not unnaturally heated is raw Honey. All the processing on the Honey destroys the natural nutrients it contains.
Remember, Honey that is light in color and easy to squeeze, is processed Honey. It is the type we find easily on the shelves of supermarkets. And, these are heated at a very high temperature to make it easily squeezable from its container whereas the raw Honey isn’t very easy to squeeze. It will be thicker, unclear, and dark in color. The best Honey we have chosen is the one that is available in Raw and unfiltered.
Honey won’t just differ in state and color but also taste.
The selection of Honey as per its specialty depends on an individual’s taste. Besides, there are many flavors in honey-like lemon, garlic, and cinnamon. It depends on what you like the most.
Moreover, if you are looking for some a strong flavor, opt for darker and unclear Honey. Otherwise, the best Honey is the one with lighter in color.
Ingredients And Nutritional Profile
Even if the front label says that it is pure Honey, don’t trust it blindly.
The Honey that is commercially sold is often processed. Moreover, natural enzymes and nutrients are added. However, in many cases, the ingredients may also contain synthetic sweetener and added Sugar to better taste.
If Honey has more than 20% of water content, it is likely to have a longer shelf life. Less water content prevents microorganism’s growth in Honey. Honey, with less than 20% of water is of premium quality.
Besides, the source of Honey also matters. Are the honey bees kept in a closed environment with flowers to produce Honey, or is it natural honey from forest bees.
Frequently Asked Questions About Honey
Is Honey Vegan?
No. Honey is not vegan. However, there are many arguments and counter-arguments on the subject matter of honey being vegan. Let me share them, in brief, to keep the focus on choosing the best honey.
Vegans try to avoid or minimize all forms of animal exploitation, including bees. For them, honey is an animal product for bees and so it is not a vegan.
The argument to the above is, milk is also an animal product much similar to honey and it is vegan.
Those who are against considering honey as vegan have an argument, milking doesn’t kill the animals but bees are often killed when extracting honey from the honeycomb.
And the argument continues…
However, as long as there is no certifying authority to classify honey as vegan, most vegans exclude honey from their diets.
What are the health benefits of Honey?
Honey is the healthiest food ever known. It is full of nutrients and benefits for the human body. Honey is antioxidant, a better option for people with diabetes, helps lower blood pressure, improves cholesterol, helps prevent chronic diseases, reduces risk factors for heart, promotes healing of wounds and burns, eradicates coughing, and a healthier alternative to Sugar.
Is Honey as bad as Sugar?
Honey is also a sweetener, like Sugar. But it is far healthier than Sugar and contains many health benefits. However, consuming Honey within a limit is always preferred.
What can all honey cure?
Pure Honey is rich in antioxidant properties, so it helps prevent free radicals that damage our cells. It is also known to cure the wounds and burns on our body. Moreover, it suppresses coughing in children. It also helps with digestion and sore throat.
Can Honey help reduce weight?
Definitely. Honey is the best and easiest way to reduce your weight. It melts away the extra fat in our bellies that contributes to chronic diseases. So Honey, along with warm water or cinnamon helps you reduce fat.
Can we consume Honey every day?
You may consume it every day, but be careful not to exceed. There are various limits described. The most common of the limit is to limit honey consumption to 6 teaspoons or two tablespoons per day.
Which are the constituent of the best Honey?
Raw, thick, dark in color with minimally processed is the best Honey.
What effect does Honey have with warm water?
If you take Honey with warm water, your digestion will improve. Besides, it is likely to reduce your belly fat.
Is Honey an antibiotic?
Yes. Honey is one of the oldest known antibiotics, tracing back to ancient times.
What is medical-grade honey?
Honey was used in ancient Egypt to treat wounds. It is now reintroduced in modern medicines as well. Medical Grade Honey is used to apply on wounds by incorporating sterile devices.
Best Honey Brands In India
Let us dig deep into each of the best honey brands available in India.
Indigenous Honey Raw Organic
Product Highlights
Indigenous Honey Raw Organic is Raw honey is enriched with essential minerals, amino acids, rich in antioxidants and has a wide range of enzymes & vitamins and is one of the best honey available.
Indigenous follow the process in compliance with Good Beekeeping Practices (GBP) by National Bee Board(NBB).
It can be used in n number of things to give perfect flavor in baking culinary like cookies, brownies, waffles, pancakes, and cheesecakes. It can be used as a perfect dip for fruits and toast as well.
This raw honey is unfiltered, unprocessed, and has unpasteurized properties. Also, it does not contain any harmful chemicals, environmental pollutants, sugar, or any other preservatives.
Because it has no added sugar, it’s low in GI value and does not increase blood sugar level. It has a smooth consistency and alluring taste.
Moreover, it contains a tint of pollen grains that have nutritional enzymes that help in digestion and boost the immune system.
It’s 100% pure raw honey and perfect for Ayurvedic use. It authentic and has a proper thickness and comes with 18 months of use.
Best Customer Experience
This is raw and best honey because the taste is very strong and it’s sweet not that sweet.
Worst Customer Experience
Tasted like some rotten food.
Pros and Cons
- Unfiltered and unprocessed
- Raw and natural.
- It does not contain any corn or cane sugar.
- Thick consistency.
- Taste mild.
Merlion Naturals Multiflora Organic Raw Honey
Product Highlights
Merlion Naturals Multiflora Organic Raw Honey is 100% pure honey. It’s vegetarian, probiotic honey and helps you increase immunity and so it is our choice of the best honey.
It’s a quick and vital source of energy and provides vitamins, protein, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, phytonutrients, and also rich in antioxidant compounds.
Merlion honey is pure, unheated, unpasteurized, and unprocessed form and has 24 months of use.
Best Customer Experience
When poured in water this Merlion Organic Raw Honey came down straight but didn’t dissolve.
Worst Customer Experience
It smells like medicine.
Pros and Cons
- Tastes authentic.
- Super quality.
- Pure and organic.
- Proper thickness.
- Rich in nutritional profile.
- Smells like medicine because of too much molasses.
Farm Honey Wild Unprocessed Honey
Product Highlights
Farm Honey Wild Unprocessed Honey is organic honey collected from the wild forest of India free from pollution and free of pesticides, antibiotics. So we made it our choice of best honey.
It’s 100% pure and natural, unfiltered, unprocessed and unpasteurized honey. It’s a delicious and perfect natural sweetener for various drinks and desserts.
Moreover, it has perfect use with roasted nuts, grilled fruits, tea, coffee, fish marinade, butter, root vegetables or drizzled on cheese.
The unique thing about this honey is that it has spice-infused and made with a blend of organic cinnamon and organic honey. Cinnamon honey has a significant flavor and it can be added to a variety of recipes such as milkshakes and ice creams. It can be added as a topping over salads, baked items.
This honey gives a combined taste with an intoxicating, red-hot flavor. Even it’s high on nutritional qualities and contains vitamins and minerals.
Best Customer Experience
No clubbing of solid inside.
Worst Customer Experience
Too strong. The flavour does not smell or taste like Tulsi at all. It spoils the joy of honey.
Pros and Cons
- Good Quality.
- Organic Honey.
- It is blended with cinnamon.
- Distinct taste.
- No gathering of solid paste at the bottom.
- Bit spicy.
The Honey Shop – Raw Forest Honey
Product Highlights
The Honey Shop Raw Forest Honey is 100% pure, raw, unpasteurized, unprocessed, and unheated. No added artificial flavor, sugars, additives, or colors.
This honey is high on amino acids, natural enzymes, vitamins, minerals, bee pollen, probiotics, and antioxidants.
This honey is perfect immunity & energy booster and effective against cough and cold.
Moreover, this honey has strong desirable flavor and aroma which makes it irresistible and delicious. Its rich pollen(quality plants as a source of bees) content comes with 18 months of shelf life.
You can use this honey with pancakes and waffles as an alternative to maple syrup or powdered sugar or dip with snacks like apple slices, veggies, and chicken strips.
Best Customer Experience
Good taste, pure and healthy.
Worst Customer Experience
It is very thin in consistency.
Pros and Cons
- Pure and natural.
- They are collected from wild bees.
- Natural immunity booster.
- Sweeter.
- Thick consistency.
Organic India Wild Forest Honey
Product Highlights
Organic India Wild Forest Honey is smooth, fragrant, and irresistibly delicious being a natural source of energy. It’s 100% natural and organic.
This honey is a golden nectar-rich and has spectacular aroma/ It has all the nutrients and has healthful minerals.
You can enjoy this honey with tulsi tea, toast, and desserts. It’s 100% pure honey with 18 months of shelf life and you can include in your daily breakfast.
Best Customer Experience
Authentic , organic and best honey available.
Worst Customer Experience
Too thin in texture.
Pros and Cons
- Real honey taste.
- Pure forest honey.
- It is a bit costly.
Dabur Honey
Product Highlights
Dabur Honey is one of the oldest brands and best selling on Amazon. It’s rich in antioxidants and will help in strengthening your immunity. Moreover, it’s NMR tested, clinically tested honey.
Also, it’s rich in source of nutrition and mixed with ginger that also helps for cough and cold.
Dabur honey also helps in losing weight, good for heart health, and boost energy. Maintain your healthy lifestyle, digestion, stamina with Dabur honey. It has 18 months of shelf life.
Best Customer Experience
Good taste, excellent fragrance and healthy to eat.
Worst Customer Experience
Its consistency is too thin.
Pros and Cons
- Good taste and natural.
- Good quality.
- Not organic.
- Consistency is too thin.
Forever Bee Honey
Product Highlights
Forever Bee Honey is 100% natural and quick energy sweetener. Since ages, honey has been recognized as natural food. It tastes great and easy to digest.
You can enjoy this honey with many other recipes like pancakes, waffles, ice creams, and shakes. This honey has 48 months shelf life which is the longest compare to other honey available on Amazon.
Best Customer Experience
Good Taste and energizing.
Pros and Cons
- Taste is good.
- Raw and natural.
- Good quality.
- Less sweet.
- Not a well-known brand.
Zandu Pure Honey
Product Highlights
Zandu Pure Honey is the purest honey around. Pure honey has a distinct taste, color, flavor, and thickness which can only be experienced. We guarantee that every drop you taste is 100% pure because each batch of it is sent for sugar-addition test in German labs to ensure purity.
Zandu is one of the most popular brands on Amazon. Zandu Pure Honey is 100% pure with 0% added sugar, no added C3/ C4/Rice/ Corn/ Cane Sugar.
It has natural anti-oxidants, enzymes, and essential minerals. Moreover, it has a distinct taste, color, flavor, and thickness. This honey quality has been check by German labs to ensure purity. It comes with 18 months of shelf life.
Best Customer Experience
It tastes like original honey.
Worst Customer Experience
This is not pure honey as it forms solid, just like jaggery with sugar.
Pros and Cons
- Thick and good taste.
- It is mixed with Sugar & jaggery.
- The flavor is not good.
Dadev Honey
Product Highlights
Dadev Honey is organic, raw, unprocessed with high pollen counts forest honey. It has superior taste, quality, and benefits straight from nature.
This honey is procured from the wildest and untouched area of India, to deliver all-natural qualities in it.
It’s authentic and premium natural raw honey that is tested and guaranteed for purity and grade. It has 18 months of shelf life.
Best Customer Experience
Simply loved the taste. It is naturally sweet and thick.
Worst Customer Experience
This is not a pure honey , its flow like water.
Pros and Cons
- Excellent quality and taste.
- Unprocessed, organic and raw
- Have natural enzymes intact.
- May have added Sugar.
Patanjali Honey
Product Highlights
Patanjali Honey is pure honey has a lower price and best quality compared to other branded honey available on Amazon. It’s a sweet aliment produced by honey bees and derived from the nectar of flowers.
This honey has good anti-septic quality and aids in the healing of injuries. Moreover, it is a good blood purifier and useful in treating cold, cough, and fever.
Patanjali Honey is very effective in reducing the body weight as well and has fructose, minerals, vitamins, and natural nutritious elements.
Enjoy this honey with roti, milk, gruel, and other edible items for sweetness.
Best Customer Experience
Best quality and equal to forest honey.
Worst Customer Experience
It contains lots of sugar.
Pros and Cons
- Good taste.
- Not organic Honey.
- Added sugar content.
Wnature Organic Wild Raw Honey
Product Highlights
Wnature Organic Wild Raw Honey is 100% pure, natural honey. It is unpasteurized, unprocessed, and unheated.
Moreover, this honey contains natural vitamins, minerals, and free from artificial flavors and chemicals.
It is certified by the food safety and standards authority of India (FSSAI). Also, it helps in weight management, aids digestion, and promotes fitness. Provides energy and strengthens immunity.
Moreover, it is most commonly used for burns, wound healing, inflammation, and sores inside the mouth, and cough.
Wnature honey specializes in the supply of natural honey from the apiaries situated in the western ghats of Karnataka, India.
Furthermore, this honey is homogeneous and unadulterated, free from chloramphenicol, nitrofural residues, free from pesticides, antibiotics, and sulfonamides and comes with 7 months of shelf life.
Best Customer Experience
Authentic honey and consistent quality.
Worst Customer Experience
Too sweet in taste.
Pros and Cons
- Best for vegetarians
- Natural, raw, and unprocessed.
- Reasonable price
- It is very thin.
- Packaging not done properly
- Quality is doubtful.
Bare Elixir Honey
Product Highlights
Bare Elixir Honey is 100 % raw wild honey an everyday part of your healthy lifestyle. Bare Elixir collect nectar from Red Silk Cotton trees to create this rare honey.
It has woody aroma & flavor and its highly processed and ultra-filtered to standardize it’s taste, texture, and flavor. It comes with 3 years of shelf life which is the longest.
Best Customer Experience
This honey tastes very yummy.
Worst Customer Experience
It is too thick and sweet.
Pros and Cons
- It is pure.
- Forest Honey.
- Nice flavor.
- It is extremely sweet for Honey.
Hi Honey Gir Organic Honey
Product Highlights
Hi Honey Gir Organic Honey is organic, unprocessed, unfiltered unpasteurized, and natural.
The natural honey has all the Ayurvedic benefits that help improve gastrointestinal tract. The texture of this honey is quite thick. Also, it’s without any harmful antibiotics and chemicals without any substitutes.
Best Customer Experience
Its a dense honey with an intense amber hue.
Worst Customer Experience
Honey crystallizes after couple of weeks.
Pros and Cons
- Rich in flavor and sweetness.
- Taste is different and natural.
- It turns into solid Sugar after consuming half.
- Not a well-known brand.
Savayav Organic Pure Honey
Product Highlights
Savayav Organic Pure Honey is extracted from Indian Honey Bee honeycomb of the secluded regions near the Western Ghats, which is free from industries, pollution, and toxicities.
It’s fresh and authentic honey and has rich medicinal values. It can be used as a substitute for sugar to keep triglycerides, blood pressure & cholesterol levels down.
Moreover, it has no preservatives, no artificial colors, and no added sugar. Enjoy honey with your favorite cereals, oats, or add it on a cup of tea for natural sweetness.
Savayav organic honey follows a process called “Micro-Filtration” which separates a certain percentage of honeybee wax & water and increases thickness and enhances the longevity of the honey’s shelf life that is 18 months.
Best Customer Experience
I liked the flavour, taste and texture.
Worst Customer Experience
Smells like medicine, though taste is fine.
Pros and Cons
- Organic and pure Honey.
- Good taste and texture.
- Higher in carbohydrates.
Farm Naturelle
Product Highlights
Farm Naturelle is Tulsi flower honey which is extremely tasty, aromatic, and good for Health. It enhances immunity to fight diseases.
It’s 100% pure raw natural honey of highest quality from the foothills of Himalaya and Pristine Orchards of Uttaranchal.
Moreover, this honey is unpasteurized, unprocessed, and unheated. It has no added artificial flavor, added sugars, additives or colors.
It contains all-natural vitamins A, B-complex, C, D, E, & K, a whole lot of minerals, amino acids, and hundreds of live enzymes to give you in-numerous health benefits which no other super-food can provide.
Moreover, one of the best advantages of using raw honey helps in managing your weight by enhancing your body metabolism. It has 18 months of shelf life.
Best Customer Experience
It tastes awesome with bland foods like Avocado.
Worst Customer Experience
Taste extremely sweet.
Pros and Cons
- It contains tulsi flavor and nutrients.
- Healthy and have medicinal properties.
- The texture turns into a sticky kind of paste.
- Slightly bitter taste due to tulsi flavor.
Leaf & Nectar sweet Honey
Product Highlights
Leaf & Nectar sweet Honey is considered the best in the world is Acacia honey. It’s super clear due to its slow crystallization.
It has a very subtle flavor and no after taste and is as beautiful as the cluster of acacia flowers amidst the vibrant Gujarat Forests. Moreover, it has 18 months of shelf life.
Best Customer Experience
This is very good for weight loss and cough and also for digestive problems.
Pros and Cons
- It is Organic.
- Great for body fitness.
- Raw and organic.
- Have too much sugar content.
Product Highlights
FRESH & PURE Honey is 100% pure and natural honey sourced from nature’s best honeycombs.
It’s a fresh and tasty and vegetarian brand. However, the brand is not well-known on Amazon may not be authentic honey.
Pros and Cons
- It is fresh and pure.
- Not a well-known brand.
- Not authentic.
Prakruthi Honey
Product Highlights
Prakruthi Honey is pure honey which is perfect for daily diet. You can use it with bread or chapatti to make your meal complete.
It has many health benefits like weight reduction, digestion, cleansing of the body.
Moreover, you can use it internally and externally like antiseptic as a bleach, cleanser, and moisturizer. It comes with 18 months of shelf life.
Best Customer Experience
Healthy and tasty.
Worst Customer Experience
This is not raw honey, but refined.
Pros and Cons
- Taste good and is natural.
- Not a well-known brand.
- It is refined.
Barosi Multi Floral Honey
Product Highlights
Barosi Multi Floral Honey is unprocessed raw honey great for dietary and health supplements for children, old and young people alike. It acts as a natural immunity and energy booster and also regulates metabolism.
It has taken from the free mountain ranges and forests. This honey is free from adulterants and is 100% Pure. It has a natural aroma and delicious taste which enhances the flavors of every dish it is added to.
Moreover, this honey is loaded with the highest nutritional values, this multi-floral honey is the perfect replacement for processed sweeteners like refined sugar.
This multi-floral honey which is raw and unprocessed that offers you delicious and melting experience and comes with 12 months of shelf life.
Best Customer Experience
Fresh and Natural smell and taste.
Pros and Cons
- Taste is good.
- Good quality.
- Useful for cough and cold.
- Multi-floral Honey.
- Not a well-known brand.
Nutriwish Honey
Product Highlights
Nutriwish Honey is 100% pure and natural. It’s healthy, delicious, and has great curative properties. After all, it’s ideal for adults and children.
Moreover, this is a blend of honey and lemon sure to impress you with its taste and amazing benefits. It is good throat infections, indigestion, constipation, dental problems, and fever, internal bleeding, rheumatism, burns, obesity, respiratory disorders, cholera, and high blood pressure.
Also, it’s ideal for weight management and contains no preservatives, no added sugars, syrups or extenders, no artificial flavorings or colorings. It comes with 18 months of shelf life.
Best Customer Experience
Texture is good.
Worst Customer Experience
Very thick.
Pros and Cons
- Taste is good.
- Not a well-known brand.
- High in carbohydrates.
- Too sweet.
Royal Bee Pure and Natural Honey
Product Highlights
Royal Bee Pure and Natural Honey is 100% pure natural honey and it contains no additives, preservatives, and artificial substances. Moreover, it contains honey extracted from multiple floral areas and has 24 months of shelf life.
You can use this honey for various uses with roasted nuts, grilled fruits, tea, coffee, fish marinade, butter, root vegetables or drizzled on cheese.
It has many health benefits like increasing the endurance, healing high blood pressure and low blood pressure, helpful in getting relaxing sleep, treating rheumatism problems, improving the functioning of the brain and heal burns smeared on the wound.
Pros and Cons
- Low in carbs.
- Natural Honey.
- Not a well-known brand.
Beez Kashmir Honey
Product Highlights
Beez Kashmir Honey is premium honey and healthy for life. It is procured from Various Hills Area. Though it’s not a very famous brand so may not be sure about its authenticity.
Best Customer Experience
Tastes pure and fresh.
Pros and Cons
- Taste Pure and Fresh.
- Not a well-known brand.
Sahyadri Honey
Product Highlights
Sahyadri Honey is a natural substance produced from the nectar of flowers. It is collected and transformed by the honeybee.
It contains properties like natural antibiotic, antioxidant, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties. It contains a variety of amino acids, essential vitamins, and minerals.
Moreover, it has many health benefits like good for the digestive system, helps in fat loss, controls diabetes, effective for sore throat, cough and cold strengthens immunity, purifies the liver, and increasing hemoglobin level.
Also, there is no added sugar or pesticides used in this honey and it has 12 months of shelf life.
Pros and Cons
- Low in carbs.
- Not a well-known brand.
Apsis Himalaya Honey
Product Highlights
Apis Himalaya honey brings to you pure natural honey sourced from the beautiful valleys of the Himalayas and across different locations of India.
Moreover, it is trusted across the globe for its unmatched taste and quality and comes with 24 months of shelf life.
Best Customer Experience
Nice taste.
Worst Customer Experience
Too sweet looks like added extra sugar.
Pros and Cons
- Flavour is very nice.
- May be too sweet for some people.
- Not a well-known brand.
Langnese Honey
Product Highlights
Langnese Honey is 100% Pure bee honey produced since 1927 in Germany. It comes with a natural source of energy & strengthens immunity, effective in weight loss, digestion.
Moreover, it is highly acclaimed honey, well know across the world due to its purity and natural wellness quality. This honey is naturally rich in pollen composition, acting as a source of Vitamin C, antioxidants, and natural minerals.
Spread this over acai bowls, smoothies, baked goods, glazes, herbal teas, morning beverages, and more for a balanced diet. Moreover, it has 36 months of shelf life.
Pros and Cons
- Good for cough.
- It helps boost immunity.
- Rich in antioxidants.
- Not a well-known brand.
Sree Pure Natural Forest Bee Honey
Product Highlights
Sree Pure Natural Forest Bee Honey is pure veg natural bifloral apiary honey. It is the perfect blend of nectar from Lichie Flower and Wild Khalisa Flower from the Sundarbans, in 1:1 ratio.
This honey has many properties like antibacterial, antioxidant, antiseptic, anti-fungal & natural enzyme and comes with 24 months of shelf life.
It has an authentic aroma with exquisite & distinct flavor & taste for good health. Also, it has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that help prevent risks of some cancers and heart disease, honey also reduces gastrointestinal disorders and ulcers.
Pros and Cons
- Pure and organic Honey.
- It is extracted from beehives of the forest.
- Good in taste.
- Suitable for a bad throat.
- Heal burns.
- Very thin consistency.
Golden Honey Farms
Product Highlights
Golden Honey Farms is 100% pure natural raw unprocessed honey direct from Kashmir farms. It’s well known for its rich natural antioxidants, minerals, and enzymes.
It’s a natural source of energy, strengthens immunity, helps in respiratory and digestive systems. It has 24 months of shelf life.
Best Customer Experience
Thick in consistency.
Pros and Cons
- Natural flavor.
- Thicker.
- Not a well-known brand.
Son Of Soil Desert Flora Raw Honey
Product Highlights
Son Of Soil Desert Flora Raw Honey is raw, organic, unprocessed, unheated honey and claims to be the best proof quality.
It is minimally filtered but never heated. Moreover, it’s 100% pure and natural honey. It is not recommended to a diabetic patients. And it has 18 months of shelf life.
Best Customer Experience
Pure honey.
Pros and Cons
- Raw and organic.
- Good consistency.
- Not a well-known brand.
Honey is not only used as a food product but as a medicine too. It is a natural antiseptic, helps to aid cough and cold, also helps in losing weight and building immunity. Therefore, Honey is also known as “The Golden Liquid”.